Saturday, April 25, 2009

5 Free And Essential Marketing Tools To Ensure Any Affiliate Partner’s Success

Time and time again, it has been said that affiliate marketing is, without a doubt, the quickest and most efficient way of earning a living online. There are a variety of reasons for this. For starters, most affiliate programs do not require any enrollment fees. There is no financial investment on the part of the affiliate. Secondly, the affiliate is only tasked with pre-selling the affiliate merchant’s products. The sales page, the payment processing, the digital delivery, and the post sales services shall be borne by the affiliate merchant.

These shouldn’t mean that the affiliate should want in commitment, however. As a matter of fact, an affiliate’s success wholly depends on how much commitment he could give the program, and how much effort he could invest to pursue such commitment.

Sometimes, this requires some monetary expenses. Getting a web host, for example, as well as a domain name, would necessitate some cash to be laid out. Getting professionally made graphics to make his website attractive can also cost some dough, in the event that the affiliate cannot do this for himself. PPC advertising can equally be just as costly, if not even more, if the affiliate would ever decide to utilize this option.

But not everything needs to come at a price. There are vital tools that would help ensure the affiliate’s success, and they can be availed of for free.

Here are the top five tools under this category. Knowing them would give you the edge you need. Using them would give you the head start that would push your online enterprise to the next level.

1. WordPress. WordPress is a movable-type blog. It is a software program you could download and use to create your own blogs which you could upload in your own server. You won’t have to settle for the words “blogspot” or “livejournal” or “xanga” to be attached to your URL. You could host your blog under its own domain name, or as another page in your main website. Blogs are great marketing tools. They get indexed quite quickly by the search engines, and often, the figure prominently well in the search engine results pages (SERPs). They could also give your main website the backlinks it needs to boost its own page rank. Additionally, a blog can be customized to become your main website. The primary advantage of this approach is the convenience you’ll receive when it comes to publishing content. Download the WordPress client for free from .

2. NVU Website Creator. Macromedia Dreamweaver is too expensive? Microsoft Front Page is too complicated? Then the NVU Website Creator is the program for you. This software program streamlines the website creation process through an interface that is easy to use, but powerful enough to make professional-looking web pages. Download the client for free from .

3. Backlink Builder. If you’re maintaining your own website, either as a review center for your affiliate program’s products, or as an affiliate mall for the same, or even as a blog which promotes the aforementioned digital items, you will need to build a thorough list of backlinks to increase your page rank. The higher your page rank is, the better chances it will have of appearing in the first few pages of search engine results. Don’t know where to start? Use the free tool available at to discover all the places where you could leave some links to your website.

4. Keyword Selector Tool. Keywords are the primary ingredients of any search engine optimization (SEO) campaign. You will use them for your meta tags, your h1 tags, your ALT tags, your page title, and your content. You will even use them for the articles you will submit to the many article directories in the World Wide Web. The proper use of keywords would result in the more efficient documentation of your website so that the search engine spiders will have an easier time finding your web pages for any relevant query. And since 80% of the traffic that you will be able to generate for your website would come from the search engines, keywords become the most essential aspects of your site building efforts. Need to find the right keywords? Go to and use their powerful tool to determine the profitability of the keywords related to the affiliate products you will be promoting.

5. Statcounter. You will need to study your website’s statistics so that you’ll know what you’re doing wrong, as well as replicate what you’re doing correctly. For this purpose, simply copy and paste the code that will be provided by to get in-depth reports about the performance of your website.

All of these tools would improve your performance as an affiliate. And the fact that they all come without charge just makes the deal even sweeter. Try them out. Chances are, you will realize that the best things in life can be free after all.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

5 Fatal Mistakes In Resale Rights Marketing And How To Avoid Them

Resale rights marketing is an emerging approach in the field of internet marketing. There is a growing market for resale rights products and more and more online businessmen are catering to this segment and have been reporting monumental profits from their efforts.

Resale rights marketing involves the sale of products with their accompanying resale rights. These rights may either be basic resale rights (where the purchaser can resell the products he will buy), master resale rights (where the purchaser can resell the resale rights of the products he will buy) and private label rights (where the purchaser can alter the products he will buy, and by nature of the same, can sell the products as they are or with accompanying resale rights as well).

It is not difficult to explain the growing interests on resale rights products. These goods afford the purchasers the opportunity to earn from their purchases, as they could sell the same for profit. They won’t have to pay the creator any cumbersome royalty fees. They get to keep all the income they will earn from the sales they manage to effectuate.

Though resale rights marketing does seem like a promising field, it is not completely free from problems. A lot of internet marketers who have decided to enter resale rights marketing have been prone to committing some fatal mistakes that gravely compromise the earning potentials of this approach. Let’s take a look at the top five mistakes that resale rights marketers make so that we’d learn how to avoid them.

1. Selling resale rights products to an unlimited number of people. Your potential customers would find this unsettling. Every purchaser of your resale rights products would be each other’s competitor. Though the idea of selling an unlimited number of copies sounds very lucrative, you’d find it hard to effectuate some sales because people would stay away from such offers. The value of your resale rights products would diminish. Solution: set a cap as to how many copies you will sell.

2. Selling resale rights products to many people. Indeed, you would set a ceiling as to how many copies you will sell. But if this ceiling is too high, the value of your resale rights products would still suffer. Selling to 1,000 people for example, would mean that each purchaser would have to compete with 999 other people for the same market. Your products would still be a hard sell. Solution: increase the price of your package but limit the cap to 50 or below.

3. Failing to clearly enumerate the terms and conditions of usage license. Essential in resale rights is the license wherein they should be delineated. This license is a where the rules are established, and is likewise your guarantee to the purchasers that such rules shall strictly be implemented for the protection of their interests. Solution: carefully write down the limitations of the rights you will convey, and present the same in a license agreement, preferably in .pdf format. Adobe documents cannot easily be changed, and it would give your potential customers the security they need.

4. Failing to honor the terms and conditions you have set yourself. Nothing can compromise your brand worse than your failure to live up to your promises. If you promise to sell 50 resale rights of a product, you can’t sell 51 and claim a counting error. If you promise to give them private label rights, you cannot restrict the way they could alter the work. Solution: exercise candor in your dealings at all times.

5. Selling resale rights at the height of the product’s market life. This may be a plus for your potential customers, but it surely is a negative for you on a business standpoint. If the product promises high salability, you’ll be better off selling it yourself, exclusively at that. Nonetheless, this is a matter of preference. If you want to focus on product creation and allow your customers to take care of the marketing aspect, then this would prove to be a good approach. Solution: have a business plan before venturing to resale rights marketing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Website Models For Great Business

A registered domain name would give you an address in the virtual world. A web hosting service would give you a lot. It’s time to build your house.

But there are many kinds of houses, with each type serving a particular need. In the same light, there are many kinds of websites, and each type would also serve a particular need. Our goal right now is to determine the kinds of websites you could create to best serve you affiliate marketing concerns.

As an affiliate, here are a number of website models you could decide to employ. Let’s take a look at them.

A Review Center

You could create a website, preferably using a blogging software like that offered by or , which seeks to review the products that are released in the market. Here’s the deal, though. Review the products you are promoting. Naturally, you’d want your reviews to be favorable for the affiliate merchant’s offerings. So stress the beneficial points of the products so that your visitors may be encouraged to click on your affiliate link and be redirected to the affiliate merchant’s sales page.

An Affiliate Mall

An effective way of promoting your affiliate links is through an affiliate mall. You could make your website into an online catalogue of sorts. Display the products you are promoting, and attach your affiliate links. Provide a short but encouraging description for each product. Also include a small image of the product itself (as an affiliate, you are allowed to use the affiliate program’s images for your promotional campaigns, so you won’t be violating any copyrights by doing this).

This setup is quite empowering for your visitors. They are given the option to choose which among the products you are pre-selling would be most advantageous for them.

A Content Site

Content is king on the internet. People surf the World Wide Web in search for information. If you have the information they need, then you’re in business. You could focus on unique and quality information for your website, and include your affiliate links by way of recommendation or direct announcement.

There are many kinds of content sites which you could decide to build:

* a news site which offers the latest information on the market you will be catering to;
* an information hub containing guides and general information about the same market;
* a download center for valuable products you’re freely offering (this is great for a viral marketing campaign, which we will discuss in subsequent lessons)

An Opt-In Page

You will not be able to win all of them. You won’t even be able to win a majority of them. The best thing you could aim for is to gather the “yes” visitors, try your best to change the mind of the “no” visitors, and capture the contact information of the “maybe” visitors so that you could continue to convince them for a future sale. And this you could do with a mailing list.

By having them subscribe to your mailing list, you’d be able to contact them at any time, with new offers, or perhaps with some valuable tidbits that would warm them up to purchase what the affiliate merchant is selling. All you need is an account with an excellent autoresponder service, which you could integrate in such a page so that it will capture prospective leads on auto-pilot.

You could employ this strategy on any of the website models we have mentioned above, or you could make a web page specifically designed to capture the aforementioned contact details.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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