Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Knock Knock, Who's There?

If you want a banana, there's two ways to get one.

The first way is to buy a baby banana tree, Learn everything you need to grow bananas, buy all the right tools, books, fertilizers, soil enhancements, etc.

Tend to it, take care of it, wait for it to grow, and one day, if everything works out well, you'll have bananas.

Or, you could go the grocery store and buy them.

Internet businesses are the same way.

You can work your tail off doing the thousand and one things that have got to be done in order to have a successful, money-making Internet business.

Or, you can hire an expert to do it for you.

Niches In A Box

By the way, which bananas do you think cost the least?

The one's you grow yourself, or the store-bought?

You might think the one's you grow are cheaper...

...but when you factor in all the tools, books, and time you spent...

...those bananas could easily cost $100 a pound.

In the store, they're about 59 cents.

Internet businesses, surprisingly, are like bananas.

Start your own Internet business from scratch, and odds are it's gonna cost you dearly in time and money.

But be one of the first 250 people to go to this website...

...and you're going to be SHOCKED at how very little it takes to get a REAL turn-key business.

Niches In A Box



P.S. One last banana note...

Banana trees take about 2 years to mature and yield fruit.

Buy your bananas in the store, and you have them immediately.

An Internet business you grow from scratch can take months and even longer to show a profit.

An Internet business that's ready to roll can put you in profit in just days or a couple of weeks, with a whole lot less work and headaches.

Think about it.

But don't think too long.

Like all good things, this offer won't last forever.

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